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We demand to stop persecuting and extraditing the Belarusian film director Andrey Gnyot.

HAS supports the demands of human rights organizations to the authorities of Serbia and the international community, and demands the suspension of extradition and the release from custody of Andrey Gnyot

Andrey Gnyot, a Belarusian film director and activist, was arrested by the Serbian authorities on 30 October on the basis of an Interpol warrant issued at the request of Belarus. He is accused of tax evasion, which can be considered as political persecution based on the practice in Belarus. The fact that Andrei Gnyot is one of the co-founders of the Free Association of Athletes SOS-BY, which is recognised as an extremist organisation in Belarus, may serve as a basis for the presentation of politically motivated criminal charges. The extradition of Andrey Gnyot to Belarus will immediately lead to his arrest and torture on the territory of Belarus. 

On 31 May 2002, the High Court in Belgrade once again ruled that the request for the extradition of Gnyot to the law enforcement authorities of Belarus was in accordance with law and should be granted. On 18 June, an appeal was filed against the decision. As of 28 June 2024, Andrey Gnyot is under house arrest in Serbia.

Since August 2020 and until now, human rights defenders have documented the large-scale use of violence, weapons and torture against citizens of Belarus. Despite the fact that Belarus has ratified the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the regime does not fulfil the international obligations it has assumed, and even openly violates them. According to confirmed information, at least 5 people died as a result of the use of physical or psychological violence or weapons by the security forces (Aleksandr Tarajkovsky, Genadz Shutov, Roman Bandarenko, Dmitriy Stakhovsky and Andrey Zeltsar). Another 6 died while incarcerated.

According to public information from human rights defenders, 6,462 criminal cases on political grounds have been opened against residents of Belarus as of 1 July 2024.

The international organisation Amnesty International published a statement in defense of Andrey Gnyot, as well as human rights organisations: Viasna Human Rights Centre, The Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House, European Exchange, The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), Italian Federation for Human Rights (FIDU), Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF), Libereco Germany, Libereco Switzerland, Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Östgruppen, People in Need, Respect-Protect-Fulfill,Belarusian PEN.

HAS supports the demands of human rights organizations to the authorities of Serbia and the international community, and demands the suspension of extradition and the release from custody of Andrey Gnyot.

We demand to stop persecuting and extraditing the Belarusian film director Andrey Gnyot.