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Report for the children's campaign for summer vacation

Final results of the charity summer campaign for children of political prisoners

The team of the Humanitarian Ambulance Service service summarizes the final results of the charitable summer collection for children of political prisoners.

The traditional children's action was organized this year by the HAS. Also the Association of Belarusan Business Abroad and the Association of Belarusans in America joined the action.

Thanks to non-different Belarusians we managed to collect almost 32 000 euros! On the BYSOL platform we recorded donations from 246 people. Thank you very much - from the HAS and on behalf of the children of political prisoners!

We are also grateful for the weighty participation of 14 Belarusian artists, who at the charity concert in Warsaw collected almost 1700 euros in favor of the children, as well as the Association of Belarusians in Denmark "Talaka". Their contribution amounted to more than a 1000 euros!

In total, 250 children of political prisoners received help. The money collected for them will be used for:

  • excursions, trips, traveling, summer children's camps;
  • educational circles on chess, drawing, etc.;
  • sports sections: swimming pool, tennis, soccer;
  • equipment for games: balls, sneakers, scooters, bicycles, rollerblades, brushes, absorbent cotton.

Everything to make the summer for children unforgettable.

After the collection and transfer of funds to the children of political prisoners (each of the 250 children received 100 euros), the HAS has 6842 euros left at its disposal. This money will be used for the next campaign, with the help of which we will help to get the children of political prisoners to school.

We invite you to join this action, soon the HAS will publish the details of the action.

Report for the children's campaign for summer vacation